Supposing Flight

My Dad is an alien from another dimension. Which is how I got my superpowers.

No, really.

Actually I got my superpowers from an artifact that I found while I was exploring an alien spaceship. Which was parked in our garage.

No, Really!

My Dad taught me that word “artifact” and what it means. Space scientists stole it from archaeologists – you know, those Egyptian mummy guys? But it means the same thing to both of them – it means an object made some time or somewhere else. Like for the Egyptian mummy guys it might be a jar full of brains that was buried with a Pharaoh. But for space guys it would be a transformer or a star map or something cool like that.

What I found was a roll of toilet paper. Well, that’s what it looks like but aliens probably don’t use toilet paper. I mean, my Dad does but he’s in human form right now so he has to act like a human. And we all use toilet paper, right? Except maybe if you are on a camping trip in the woods and then you can use leaves or something only not poison ivy because ugh! gross! can you imagine how awful it would be if you got poison ivy all over your butt…..Sam? Sam – are you even listening to me?

“Yes of course I am. Poison Ivy. Butts. Interesting story.”

No, Sam – Aliens! My Dad is an Alien from another dimension and I just found out!

“I’ve always thought your father was a little …..different. Space alien, hmmmm?”

Well, not exactly. I mean, not really outer space kind of aliens. But anyway – here’s the important part – my Dad taught me how to use the artifact to fly!

“Fly? Your father taught you how to fly?”

He did, Sam, he did! See you take this stuff – and you start here in the center of your chest and you wrap it around and down your arm and then across your back and down the other arm….are you watching, Sam?

“Watching! Yes, yes of course I am. Down the other arm you say?”

Yes – and then around and around the rest of your body until you get to the legs and then……..and then……hmmmm. Which leg do I wrap first Sam? Do you remember?

“Me? How would I remember? You said your father taught YOU.”

Yeah, but you were there, remember? You were sitting on my bed, right next to Blue Bunny. Remember?

“Sorry. Not really. Try the right leg first.”

Darn it! If I had known that my Dad was going to be gone for so long I might have paid more attention. But I did the best I could and kept wrapping until I used up the whole role of magic flying artifact stuff. Then I climbed up three porch steps and jumped off, waving my arms in the air. And I FLEW! It was like – it was like —- I guess it was like jumping off the porch steps. I landed flat on my stomach in the dusty front yard and it hurt.

When I looked over at where Sam was propped up against the table leg, his face looked a little sadder than usual.

“Try again, why don’t you?”

Nah, I guess I got the instructions wrong. I’ll just wait until Dad gets back and pay better attention the next time. Only – Mom seems kind of funny whenever I ask her when Dad is coming back. It’s probably because she’s always working….she works all the time now that Dad’s gone – I guess it’s good that she got that animated comics project – but whenever I try to talk about Dad she just draws his face on one of the bad guys in her comic and says she doesn’t know when he will be back……

“If ever….”


“If ever. Your mom always says that at the end of your question.”

Does not. And how would YOU know anyways, Sam?

“Because you always carry me in there with you.”

I don’t know why, but I grabbed Sam and stuffed him down the front of my shirt behind the magic artifact stuff. Then I climbed the corner post to the porch roof and jumped right off the edge hollering my Dad’s name.

We flew out over the yard before we came crashing down and smashed Sam’s face into the dirt. We flew – I swear we flew!

But Sam was never the same again.

29 thoughts on “Supposing Flight

  1. i really enjoyed the “reality” of this story, kept me reading, and wondering, and hoping right to the end. I still want to know more.
    Blooming fantastic. πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks for reading and your kind comment. I hadn’t thought of this as “to be continued” but hmmmm, I could maybe see another bit of the story shaping up. I’ll play with it and see what happens πŸ™‚

  2. Great story! I’ve always loved it when writers are able to write from the POV of a child. And you’ve done brilliantly πŸ™‚

  3. I knew this was going downhill as soon as the narrator mentioned flying. Your writting then gave birth to a strange sense of foreboding within me, especialy during the description of the narrator’s family. And then it all came down (no pun intended) at the end. Great take on the prompt.

  4. I like the relationship between the two characters and the way it becomes more loaded with meaning as the story progresses. Also impressed with how well you capture the matter-of-fact seriousness that kids have towards the products of their own imagination.

  5. Aw, the poor kid. The innocence with which you painted him made me really feel for him. I like what you’ve done here; it’s subtle yet full of emotion.

  6. This is so clever and so sad. I love that Sam is a toy – and I love the way you slowly reveal what’s really going on. Well done! πŸ™‚

  7. Loved the voice in this, and it was so unexpected to find out Sam was a toy. Really enjoyed the non sequiturs, they effectively mimicked those of young kids. But the most striking image for me is the mother drawing the father’s face on the villains in the comic. Brilliant!

  8. This is splendid, Splendid! Such a sweet and magical story, on one hand, and heartbreaking on the other. Bittersweet. I love this line: β€œIf ever. Your mom always says that at the end of your question.”

    I hear Seth Rogan in my head as the toy. πŸ˜‰

  9. Such an interesting back and forth between the main character and Sam – and I loved the slow revelation that the character’s dad is gone for good. Well done!

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